Ipenama Beach Photographic Print

Ipanema Beach Photographic Print

Ipanema Beach Photographic Print

Micah Wright

24 in. x 18 in.

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Ipanema Beach is where the summer happens in Rio. This page is dedicated to showing you why. Get ready for your virtual tan with dozens of original photos, insider's tips, and local gossip.

The Beach Tour sequence starts on the West side of Ipanema Beach, at the border with Leblon (see map). We picked out some favorite spots of the beach to share with you. When you come to Rio in person, you may even run into a familiar face or two. We are walking East, towards Arpoador and Copacabana.

There's much more to do at the beach than just working on your tan. You may join locals on a match of beach soccer, or beach volleyball. Foot-volleyball is a little harder if you're a novice, but you could always try. If you never tried surfing, bodyboarding or skimboarding, you're welcome to watch. The day to see Capoeira is Sunday, when the beach lane is open for pedestrians only. The sports and action series features exciting sequences of photos.

More Pictours of Ipanema highlights like the main street, spots of interest, people, moods, and even pets that help give Ipanema its very special character. Watch children playing at squares, or go the Hippie Fair for Brazilian handicraft, art, and musical instruments, and original souvenirs. To see Ipanema in a party mode, don't miss our Street Carnival festivities with the hilarious Drags from Ipanema.

Ready for more? From the beach it's 10 minutes on foot to Lagoa Park. Go west past the Canal, and you are in Leblon - our charming beach neighbor. And out west after Arpoador it's only another 10 minutes on foot to Copacabana. Learn your way around Ipanema with the Clickable Street Map, and use the hotel map for reviews, rates and free reservations at the best hotels and flats.

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