Les Vins Rouges Art Print
Laliberte, Andrea
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bouillabaisse fish soup
consomme clear soup
potages (or) soupes soup
potage a la reine cream of chicken
soupe a l'oignon onion soup
potage au vermicelle noodle soup
potage aux lentilles lentil soup
potage portugais tomato soup
potage Saint-Germain pea soup
potage de Volaille chicken broth
agneau lamb
ailerons chicken wings
aloyan sirloin
bifteck steak
boeuf beef
canard duck
caneton duckling
cerf venison
cervelles brains
charcuterie cold cuts
chateaubriand filet steak
coq au vin chicken in wine sauce
cotelette d'agneau lamb chop
dandonneau farci stuffed turkey
dinde turkey
foie liver
foie gras goose liver
gigot ragout de mouton leg of mutton stew
grenouille frog
jambon ham
lapin rabbit
mouton mutton
oie goose
pot au feu beef stew
poulet chicken
poussin squab chicken
ris de veau sweetbreads
rognons kidneys
rôti de roast
saueisse grille fried sausage
tournedos small filet steaks
veau veal
volaille poultry
aigrefin haddock
anguille eel
brochet pike
crevette shrimp
escargots snails
hareng herring
homard lobster
huitres oysters
maquereau mackerel
moule mussel
poissons fish
saumon fume smoked salmon
thon tuna
truite trout
oeufs brouilles scrambled eggs
oeufs a la coque soft boiled eggs
oeufs durs hard boiled eggs
oeufs frits fried eggs
oeufs frits au jambon ham and eggs
oeufs poches poached eggs
crudites vegetable salad
salade de eoneombres cucumber salad
salade de laitue lettuce salad
salade niçoise Greek salad
salade variee mixed salad
asperge asparagas
aubergines eggpant
choucroute sauerkraut
choux cabbage
cornichon pickle
epinards spinach
haricots verts green beans
legumes vegetables
navets turnips
petits pois green peas
pommes frites French fried patatoes
puree de pommes mashed potatoes
radis radish
riz rice
beurre butter
biere beer
cafe coffee
citron lemon
cognac brandy
creme cream
croissants breakfast rolls
de I'eau water
jus d'orange orange juice
jus de tomates tomato juice
lait milk
moutarde mustard
patisserie pastry
petit pain a roll
poivre pepper
sel salt
sucre sugar
the tea
vin wine
vin blanc white wine
vin rouge re wine
vinaigre vinegar
ananas pinepple
compotes de fruits stewed fruits
confitures jam omelette
creme a la vanille vanila custard
fraises strawberries
framboises raspberries
fromage a la creme creme cheese
fruits frais fresh fruit
gateau cake
glace a la vanille vanilla ice cream
macedoine de fruits fruit salad
omelette souffle
oranges oranges
pamplemousse grapefruit
petits fours tea cakes
raisins grapes
tartes pastries
BUTIERED: meuniere / au beurre
FRIED: frit
MEDIUM: a point
RARE: saignant
ROAST: rôti
STUFFED: farci
WELL DONE: bien cuit
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