Canada: Cruise the Great Lakes Canvas Print

Cruise the Great Lakes Stretched Canvas Print
Cruise the Great Lakes Stretched Canvas Print 7 in. x 11 in.
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Canadians are naturally friendly and hospitable. They are proud of their lovely scenery and delight in showing it off to visitors. You will always be welcome.

Service charge is not normally included in restaurant or hotel bills and tipping is therefore essential. In restaurants, 10 - 15 %, porters, for bag, taxi drivers, 10 - 20 %, hairdressers, 15 %, hotel porters, chambermaid, cloakroom attendant.

Hairdressing: First class hotels have salons.

Clubs: Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis.

Health: Excellent facilities available. Pharmaceuticals tend to be expensive.

Newspapers: In Quebec Province the Montreal Star and Gazette are the main English language publications. What's On in Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec are useful entertainment guides.

Postage: Stamps from post offices and from stmp machines. Mailboxes are free standing, painted red with one white and two blue stripes.

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